VS Code snippet: console.log(), React FC
Table of contents
When coding React, I use React plus Typescript pattern a lot. Also, you
import { FC } from "react"
interface OptionsProps {
export const Options: FC<OptionsProps> = () => {
return (
So, I made a snippet in VS-Code to reduce the time and headache of writing it every time.
Open VS Code
Click on the Manage(Gear icon). It is by default at the bottom left corner. Click on
User Snippets
- Or press Ctrl + Shift + P, type
user snippet
, and selectSnippets: Configure User Snippets
- Or press Ctrl + Shift + P, type
New Global Snippets file...
(you can create a snippet for ONLY one particular project too, but I like to make global snippets so I don't have to write it again). You can also add it to the already created snippet file too. By default, if there is already a saved snippet file, it will show at the top of the list.Type the name of the snippet file. It can be anything. Like, react-snippets, vue-snippets, nike-is-on-the-fire-today, etc.
You will have to add the snippets I added inside this outer object
{ }
console.log() snippet
the shortcut I added is cl
. And here is the snippet:
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "cl",
"scope": "javascript,typescript,javascriptreact,typescriptreact,vue",
"body": ["console.log($1)"],
"description": "console.log"
React FC snippet
the shortcut is rfc
. And here is the snippet:
"reactComponent": {
"prefix": "rfc",
"scope": "javascript,typescript,javascriptreact,typescriptreact",
"body": [
"import { FC } from \"react\"",
"interface ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props {",
"export const ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}: FC<${TM_FILENAME_BASE}Props> = (${2}) => {",
"\treturn (",
"description": "React component"